What types of classes and programs does Scarborough Adult Learning Center offer?
Where are your classes and office located? Where is Scarborough High’s entrance?
Can I obtain a print course catalog or view an online version?
What is the cost of classes and services?
How do I register, pay for a class, or access free services?
What if I’m registered, but on a wait list?
How do I know when a class is confirmed to run, or if it has been cancelled?
Do I have to live in Scarborough to join a class or receive services?
How do I learn about other adult ed classes or services – in other towns?
What is your snow day, cancellation and refund policy?
How do I join an ELL class?
What is the HiSET®?
If you never completed high school, the HiSET may be for you. HiSET® is the new high school equivalency testing program which replaces the old GED. The HiSET® measures the same competencies as the GED® , and covers the five core areas of: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Scores from the HiSET® program will have two cut-off points. Depending on your score, you will receive either a high school equivalency diploma or a career-college-ready diploma. Earning your HiSET diploma will help you take the next step toward a college degree or a rewarding career. Universities and colleges accept the HISET as the equivalent of a high school diploma.
The tests, as well as any tutoring you might need to prepare for the tests, are free. You must be 18 to take the HiSET® tests, and under certain circumstances, students 17 years old can test. How long it may take to study for, and pass the HiSET tests depends on your current educational level and how much time you have to study. Contact our office at 730-5045 to make an appointment, bring your high school transcript, let us help you assess your needs, make a plan that works for you and your life….and you can get started!
Adults who have only a few credits remaining, to complete their high school requirements, maybe eligible to complete online high school classes and obtain another form of high school equivalency, the Scarborough Adult Education Diploma.
Can you help me if I just need one high school class, required by the college I wish to attend?
How do I learn about and register for a CNA class?
I’m thinking about attending college as an adult, and heard about your College Transitions Program, what assistance is there?
I have an idea for a non-credit enrichment class, or want a proposal form to teach one
Storm days:
When Scarborough Public Schools are closed, we are also closed. Please report to your next usually scheduled class; or for one-night workshops, you will be contacted about a makeup date.